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Gain Link Love from A quality Web Directory

Gain Link Love from A Quality Web Directory by Bruce Swedal

Even after all this time not many webmasters really realize the power and potential of a quality web directory. The ones that have reap the rewards of having a campaign in place to submit to quality directories. In most cases a effective directory submission campaign is what makes the difference in a website that is visible and one that is not.

If you don̢۪t know what a web directory is, it is an online directory that contains links to other sites that have been reviewed by humans and categorized into relevant categories. A quality web directory will review websites for quality in addition to relevance which means sites listed in quality directories are much less likely to contain spam and much more likely to actually have the information your seeking.

There are some that will confuse a search engine with a directory. What a search engine does is display websites based on their keywords and a directory reviews and sorts them into categories that are relevant to the websites theme.

There are a few different kinds of web directories based on the topic they cover. A general directory will cover broad range of themes that will fit for nearly any website on the internet. Sites that submit to general web directories are typically only limited by the directories own policies for acceptance. As just one example there are some directories that allow for gambling sites and some that have a policy against accepting those submissions.

There are other directories that specialize in sites that belong within a smaller specific niche such as insurance websites. The best thing to do when conducting a directory submission campaign is to work your way through the general directories and afterward see if there are any niche directories that pertain to your sites topic to submit to.

One additional way that you can classify a directory is with charged fees. There are directories that do charge varying fees and there are also free directories. The distinction may seem simple enough but it really is not so easy.

The advantages you gain by submitting your website to a web directory are additional traffic to your site via the doorway created and an additional backlink to your own site. Those backlinks aid you in how your website ranks in search engine results and the higher the quality of the site that originates the link, the more value it will be given. While paid directories have funding available to promote their directories to gain traffic and authority from the search engines, free directories do not. A link from a quality paid web directory can be the equivalent of hundreds of free directory links.

A few of the most well known quality directories that happen to charge a review fee are Yahoo Directory, and the Authority Directory. All these sites are well worth the price of the review to get in. They are great places to start any link building effort for your website and get great results.

About the Author
Increase your Websites online presence today by getting listed on The Authority Business Directory. Plus, don't forget to submit link for inclusion while you are visiting.

Newborn Baby Gifts

Newborn babies don't do a lot of playing right off the bat, but they'll soon start to explore the world around them, and there are lots of toys and gifts to help baby do just that. We all know that, the birth of a new baby is an exciting time for any family. Men and women who are not parents usually have a more difficult time choosing new baby gifts. Knowing what to buy for a new baby does not have to be challenging. Avoid purchasing duplicates of what other non-parents choose for new baby gifts, be adventurous, and show up with unique new baby gifts that the new mother will cherish.

Maybe it can be a nerve-wracking experience when shopping for newborn baby gifts. There are no creatures as indecisive and moody as new babies, except for their parents. Don't try to get subtle things for newborn baby gifts, but get something that the parents will definitely really appreciate. Unluckily, it is hard to predict what newborn baby gifts will go over best because babies are so undecided, and their parents will like it if the kids find them entertaining. So you should try to find a new baby gift that you as a baby would have liked, or if you have had the chance to meet the baby, try to figure out what would fit that baby best.

In fact, once a baby is born, new moms have very little time for themselves. They should priority for their babies. Diaper changes, feedings, playtime, and colic can eat up the majority of a day’s hours. For me, dinnertime became a nightmare. Both of my children would scream as soon as the scent of dinner filled the air.

In my house, I had one item and must be added to a list of thoughtful new baby gifts. The infant swing was the only item in which I could place the screaming infant and manage to wolf down dinner. The soothing rocking motion of the swing would keep the infant quiet for at least a few minutes. Therefore, on my list of important new baby gifts, a swing makes top of the list.

Before, I had an issue regarding on the mattress that I used in the crib of my baby. As soon as I placed my son or daughter into the crib, he or she would wake up screaming. I learned from my doctor that the cold of the mattress was to blame. She suggested purchasing a heating pad or hot water bottle and warming up the crib first. When shopping for new baby gifts, consider a plug-in heating pad for the new mom. It can help the baby to stay asleep while mom curls up for a few hours of necessary rest.

We know that many babies grow accustomed to their mom's smell. My children could easily tell the difference between mom and another adult. Many cologne manufacturers create unisex fragrances. CK, One is a fragrance I enjoy and my husband also could wear. This simple trick made it easy for my husband to take over feedings on weekends. The normally breastfed infant was fooled and settled down with a bottle quickly. It is not a typical gift, but purchasing unisex colognes for new parents can be exceptionally helpful new baby gifts.

Baby sling is the last item that I could not have lived without it. Because, both my children were both clingy infants who hated being put down. A baby sling helped my back out while carrying around an infant all day, and it kept the baby happy and quiet. When shopping for new baby gifts, definitely look into baby slings with good shoulder padding.

It's a great thing that outside of the traditional box when it comes to new baby gifts will be appreciated. A unique and unusual gift for the parents will ensure you won’t be copying someone else.

Before I forget, of course the best, or at least the most popular newborn baby gifts are the expensive and complicated bright plastic electronic ones, big and clunky with lots of loud noises and electric lights. You can pay anything from 20 dollars to 200 dollars for these newborn baby gifts, but there is a good chance that the baby will like them, even if the noises of the beeping and squaking speakers sometimes drive the parents crazy. They are also great gifts to develop a baby's skills and coordination. The babies can push different buttons to make different sounds, or to hear different words, and sometimes can even fit different objects into different shaped holes to develop reasoning.

You can find also other great newborn baby gifts such as stuffed animals. New baby gift stuffed animals are really great for infants, and will last for a considerable amount of time, because the baby will come to treasure its stuffed animals for years. Stuffed animal newborn baby gifts can be depended on to soothe the baby and be an affectionate, if somewhat chewed on and drooled over companion. Of course, clothing always makes a good newborn baby gift as well. New babies are notoriously messy creatures, and creatures which one strives mightily to dress up in the most adorable of attire.

Therefore, a new baby needs a considerable amount of clothing which is warm, comfortable, and easy for the parents to put on and to take off. This is why if you buy clothing for newborn baby gifts the parents will inevitable meet it with their thanks and gratitude, giving you ample reason to feel proud of your gift.

By: Crizza Reyes
Crizza More baby gift ideas can be found at our web site,

3 Tips On How To Make Reading Interesting For Your Child

Nowadays many parents are very anxious to see their children be effective readers even before they enter elementary school. They are afraid that their child lose out to others and fall behind in the fast changing pace of education. To give your child the edge one should start through cultivating the interest in reading in the child while they are young.
Here are tips on how you can make reading more interesting:

Tip # 1 Read anything and do it often.Reading could be done anytime/anywhere throughout the day and not only confined to bedtime stories before they sleep. You can read out snippets from the magazine/newspapers that you subscribe as a change from the usual storybooks. This can help stir their interest in the daily happenings and increase their knowledge in current issues. It also helps you build up a close bond with your child as you are sharing with him/her what is close to your heart.

Tip #2 Do not just read the book from cover to backBring the story/article to life. Discuss with you child what the story is talking about. Get him/her to interact with the story by asking inferential questions. Use hand actions to place focus to certain items on the page which you would like to emphasize. You can also add in songs and dance to make the story move lively.
Tip #3 Make reading fun.Make it a positive and happy activity. Never force your child to sit and read a book if he/she is unwilling. By doing so it will only instill negative thoughts towards the activity and make them shut themselves off from being receptive to the pleasures of knowledge building through reading. If you yourself show that you enjoy reading, your child will slowly develop the same desire and interest too as they love to model and emulate what us, adults, do.

By: Rachel Dominique
Rachel Dominique is a elementary school teacher and mother to two active toddlers. More of her parenting experience is shared here at

Job oppotunity

Urgent …………………urgent………………urgent

We, one of company located on Gunung Putri – Bogor, require urgently young temporary secretary.

If you are, male, fresh graduate on secretary, home base around the location, excellent typing and good in English, please sent urgently to day your CV including ID card and passport photo.

Addressed to:

Application receive on the next shortly is appreciated!!!

unfccc 2007

What you say................, are you thinking something else???


Duta bangsa

Kalau kita berpartisipasi diluar negeri, seperti olimpiade misalnya, kejuaraan dunia tinju, bulutangkis, dan lain sebagainya, yang saya tau yang dikirim atau diutus kesana adalah para pilihan, yang sudah juara di dalam negeri, muda dan segar, sehingga harapannya dapat meraih sukses.

Nah… yang ini lain dari pada yang lain, dan memang sudah berlangsung sangat lama, kalau ngga salah sejak orde orde yang dahulu sampai orde sekarang ini. Yang saya mau katakan adalah tentang utusan Negara Indonesia menjadi DUTA BESAR di negara negara sahabat. Mari kita lihat, yang diangkat adalah para pensiunan yang seharusnya cukuplah untuk memomong cucu, bersenang senang dengan keluarga dan sanak saudara, karena selama ini tertinggalkan demi karir. Memang sih mereka tadinya adalah orang orang yang berprestasi, namun bidangnya lain dan sudah maksimal, misalnya yang menteri sudah tidak menteri lagi, yang jaksa sudah tidak jaksa lagi dan yang lain lainnya, masak seorang ahli kimia ditugaskan menjadi pelatih sepak bola misalnya. Inilah yang membuat kita gusar di negara ini, jabatan jabatan itu dibuat sebagai balas jasa atau apapun namanya, bukankah kepentingan negara yang seharusnya didahulukan? Padahal seorang duta besar itu adalah suatu jabatan penting dimana dia merupakan representasi dari negara asalnya di negara dimana dia ditugaskan. Apa yang akan mereka capai nanti? tentunya ini menjadi pertanyaan. Bukankah orang orang yang sudah meniti karir sebagai diplomat seharusnya lebih pantas untuk itu? Pantaslah hasil diplomasi kita terhadap negara sahabat selama ini tidak pernah maksimal.

Ach.. negeriku, sampai kapan begini……………


Gubernur pemerintah propinsi DKI Jakarta meminta masyarakat untuk membongkar portal-portal yang menghalangi akses publik ke jalan. Selanjutnya Gubernur menegaskan, agar semua hambatan jalan seperti Polisi Tidur yang tidak mempunyai izin harus dibongkar karena mengganggu kelancaran lalu lintas, demikian cuplikan salah satu berita di Kompas tanggal 21/11/2007.

Membaca berita ini, muncul beberapa pertanyaan di benak kita sebagai masyarakat yang setiap harinya merasakan dampak dan manfaat dari hal tersebut.

Pertama, tentu harus kita lihat dulu latar belakang pembuatan portal dan atau polisisi tidur yang kebanyakan dapat ditemukan di komplek komplek perumahan bersumber dari :
menghindarkan kendaraan yang besar dan berat agar tidak memasuki area komplek, sebab kenyataannya merusak kondisi jalan yang memang didisain hanya mampu untuk menampung kendaraan yang berbobot ringan.

Monitoring atau meminimalkan keleluasaan pihak lain memasuki wilayah komplek, sebab dari pengalaman bahwa wilayah komplek sering menjadi objek dari pencurian dan perampokan

Menghindari kecelakaan terutama anak anak dari pengendara yang sering berkecepatan tinggi di daerah tersebut

Kedua, dampak yang ditimbulkan memang harus diakui akan menghambat kelancaran akses masyarakat lainnya ke wilayah tersebut mengingat jalan tersebut adalah milik publik, serta mengurangi kelancaran lalu lintas.

Dua kondisi diatas memang kontradiktif, dimana disatu sisi masyarakat disekitar menginginkan keamanan di wilayahnya, sementara disisi satu lagi akan berdampak merugikan pihak lain.

Disinilah seorang pemimpin harus melihat dengan jeli permasalahan pokoknya, jangan hanya dari aspek teoritis semata. Seorang pemimpin semestinya harus memperhatikan kondisi riel yang ada di masyarakat dikala membuat suatu kebijakan, sehingga mempunyai manfaat secara menyeluruh bagi semua pihak.

Seperti dalam kasus ini, siapa yang dapat menjamin atau paling tidak mengurangi masalah masalah perampokan, pencurian, kecelakaan anak anak disuatu komplek perumahan tertentu? Apakah aparat keamanan sudah mampu menjangkau sampai di sana? Tentu jawabannya tidak.

Sebenarnya pembuatan portal dan polisisi tidur itukan adalah merupakan self security yang timbul dari pemikiran masyarakat tanpa bantuan pemerintah yang sebenarnya harus bertanggung jawab atas keamanan rakyatnya, karena rakyat sudah membayar pajak untuk itu. Dan sepantantasnya itu harus dihargai, jangan langsung tuduh itu salah, sudah menggangu, harus dibongkar, dan seterusnya…

Seharusnya inilah point penting yang perlu diperhatikan agar mencarikan solusi yang pas di masyrakat dan pihak pihak lainnya, seperti mengoptimalkan patroli aparat keamanan sampai ke seluruh wilayah yang membutuhkannya yang saya kira aparat mampu membuat mapping dan mengorganisir kunjungan, atau menjalin kerja sama yang lebih intensif dengan komunitas radio yang pada hakekatnya sudah tumbuh dan berkembang di masyarakat,

Dengan adanya solusi yang baik, saya kira masyarakat akan dengan senang hati akan menghilangkan portal dan polisi tidur tersebut.


I am smile to day…..

You can image when you smile just in your self, it’s too fun off course. This is happen to me to day. You know what? Yes, this is the story……….

I know the blog in 3 months ago and it was being created the blog with URL, but I am not satisfied to see this blog, meanwhile my computer’s knowledge special IT not so well. What you can do. First step you can found in library, but it can take much time until you find the answer. Other solution I try to blogroll everywhere and ……yes, I found that. During the time I develop this blog and roughly speaking 90% was finished to day; this is too hard for me.
It is why the reason I am smile just in my self, and now I have seen a nice blog (off course in my mind).

A minute, I say thanks to “Mr. Abdul Rohman” who is guys own the Blog Kolom Tutorial; I had too much from this blog.

Furthermore, the work was waiting to write everything in this blog and off course to do blog promotion; with hope….all will be presented well.

By the way, this blog will be presenting in some menu, included:
1. Main blog
2. Accountancy and taxes
3. Religious
4. Panorama and culture

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