


View of blog

Yes, really; blog is too exciting!!! On my view more than one month, I’m so surprise to the life on blog. Everybody can write everything, you can write what in you mind, make opinion, direct comment to each other, and much more you can do. And the one more interesting is the characteristic of bloger is easy to share what their have, like knowledge, story and whatever. Unfortunately, this will be difficulties you found in real life. All of them the reason why I’m so interest now to start as bloger. Even it will be more spend time and energy how to write some article, but never mind, I think this is a new activity will make me fresh from daily activity as an accountant in the company. Ok let’s see my blog : “”.

4 komentar :

  1. betul banget pak.

    ngeblog itu pokoknya ueanak. Bisa dapet banyak temen. Hehehe...

    Oh ya pak, mengenai nulis di bolanova, boleh aja sih pak. Tapi, berhubung bapak sudah tua, yaaa... kami tidak bisa memberi honor pak.
    Kami masih memulai. Kalau dah ok, trafiknya dah tinggi, baru kita pasang iklan, macam detik itu tuh... Dan, bapak tetep ga dibayar, hahaha... becanda. Pokoknya have fun in bloging activity lah...

    oh ya pak, kalau mau info lebih jauh, bisa kirim email ke bolanova[at]

    Thanks pak atas niatnya,
    plus salam kenal.

  2. Kasihan juga ya ga dapat bayaran, tapi diskriminasi tuh! heheheee,

    Ngomong2 gimana bos bikin profil & guest book spt di wp tuh, dari tadi kog ga bisa2 (gaptek dan ketinggalan?)

  3. profil sih tinggal pilih yang manage page.
    Kalau guest book, ga bisa di wp. bisanya di blogspot.

    Jadi gimana pak? tertarik nda?

  4. Ok deh, aku lagi otak atik terus nih, n thanks, yr the best at the moment


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